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Bio Ouster Jetted bath is specifically designed to deal with bio-contaminants in your jetted bath. It can reduce the build-up while keeping your plumbing jets clean and odor free with just one treatment every 30-60 days.

Regardless of how meticulously you clean the outside shell, jetted bathtubs require periodic turbo cleaning from the inside out to purge bio-matter, bacteria, gunk, soaps, locations, black specs, mold, surface grit, oils and other hard to remove contaminants that naturally build-up during everyday use.

Remember, while soaking in what seems like a perfectly clean jetted bath tub, behind the scenes, there are many feet of interior plumbing lines moving hot water seamlessly throughout the spa to dozens of jets. When not in use these plumbing lines create a breeding ground thriving on nutrients such as lotions, soap, sweat, organics, and other contaminants.





  • Gets out the gunk hidden and lurking inside the entire jetted spa system
  • Penetrates & purges bio-contaminants, bio-sludge, and other hidden organics that build up over time.
  • No more soaking in black, brown or gray flecks
  • Keeps plumbing jets running at optimal performance
  • Ideal for walk-in or therapeutic bath tubs
  • One treatment is enough to restore the jetted bath for 30-60 days.
  • Bio Ouster is septic system safe